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I'm a PhD researcher and consultant working for environmental agencies, research institutions, environmental foundations and private companies in the study of biological and ecological aspects of the territory and its wildlife. My expertise focus on the application of scientific knowledge in planning decisions, not only for Fauna and Flora management, use and conservation, but also for habitat and territory management.


In one hand, I work on understanding the species biological traits which make them more prone to extinction and then, by identifing the threats which have led them to be declining or endangered, and then elaborate conservation or reintroduction programs. As far as introduction of exotic animals and plants is one of the main drivers of species extinction, I'm also interested in the study of invasive species, its invasion processes and the implementation of eradication plans.


On the other hand, I'm interested in the integral planning of the territory for wildlife conservation and human use. Not only management in protected areas, but also in agrilcultural systems. Up to date crop and cattle grazing is the more widespread human land use, so secure sustainable and wildlife friendly farming practices is essential for many grassland and steppic wildlife preservation.

Other useful titulations and licenses for field and lab work:


  • Acreditation for animal welfare in experimentation for functions D (designing procedures and projects), C (carrying out procedures on animals) and D (euthanasy).


  • Laboral risks prevention.


  • Expert bird ringer (bander) since 1990.


  • Recreational boat skipper, for up to 15 meters ships and up to 12 miles from the coastal baseline.


  • Scuba Schools International advanced open water diver.

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